
bees, honey and other sticky subjects

Friday, April 02, 2004

Blogger me!

Many thanks to Bee Craft for mentioning Propolis in its Around the Colony section — see page 44 in the April print edition. Just one thing, Claire, “blog” only has one “g”.

For those of you new to blogging, it's one of the fast-growing phenomena on the web. A blog — or weblog — is an online diary about any subject — it could be personal, professional, technical, sporting or political — just about anything in fact.

Propolis, as if you haven't already guessed, is about the bee world. It aims to bring together some of the more interesting stories that I come across (mostly on the web). As the season here in the UK gets underway, doubtless a few tales of my own attempts at beekeeping will crop up. I'm investigating how to let readers make comments directly to the blog, but meantime you can email me and we'll do it the long way round. Do let me know what you think by emailing


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